
Tuesday, August 30, 2016


We know that space and time are the two fundamental and  essential realm in which we reside in. According to Euclidian and as well Non- Eucledian  Geometry space and time are known to be as the co-ordinates of the system. Space and time when together curved generates an extensive property known to be as the "gravity" proposed by Albert Einstein in the year 1915.Earlier stated by Issac Newton in the year 1666 as "The ratio of the force exerted on an object by the earth to that of the mass of the object".

Well I am not intended to recite the history of gravity. One of the most prominent fantasies from the 19th century is the " Time Travel"! Many great mindsets starting from that era proposed various methods to accomplish that bizarre. It was a great moment for me when I came to hear about the term referred to be as "Einstein Rosen Podolsky Bridge" or "Worm holes" ( stated by Stephen Hawking to make it familiar to the layman). According to Professor Hawking "Worm holes" are the hypothetical hole which are said to be existing in the space and time realm which connects two spaces and times of different era or even to a different dimension out of n dimensions in this realm. We are able to perceive 3 / n (length,breadth & height) and percept time as 4 / n dimensions. An another exclusive illustration is  an ant can perceive 2 / n dimensions ( according to us ) and 1 / n/dimension (according to it ) (Note- Ant's do posses bilateral eyes with various segment). Let us there be n dimensions in the realm and we are taking a paper which denotes the space and time. Let us denote two points and join it with a straight line which is the shortest path  travelled by any object while taking consideration of paper as a 2-D object. If we want to implement it n dimensions then we have to crush it as a piece of garbage and in that piece we are able to assume that there are n-1 different ways of traveling those two points where n itself is a dimension.

Professor Hawking stated that"An enormous amount of negative energy will be needed in a particular space and time co-ordinate to produce a worm hole within that area possessing sumptuous amount if positive energy by the Planets ,Stars and Dark matter (with some acceptable amount of positrons and neutrons)". In reality it's quite impractical.
So let me just get to the point of of evincing the subject of concern. "Change the value of G=6.11 * 10^(-11) N.m² / kg² to some extent by increasing it would be able to create a warp in a particular space and time co-ordinate and create a bridge with an unknown destination with certain  mysteries. A " Worm hole can be created".
-Yours truly 

Sunday, March 13, 2016


After a year i am indulged once again in writing my ideas. Today i want to dedicate this post to my greatest inspiration and idol. The man with his own values was born on this very same day i.e 14 th of March,1879 in a small town named Ulm in the city Munich , Germany. Inspite, of having a radical Jewish family he was never carried out by the illusion of religion. He was fascinated and curious from the childhood where the vision got charged up when he glanced upon the gift of his Uncle Jacob. A circular magnetic compass changed the history of the world. Vision is a characteristic trait which is not genetic neither inducive. It is something beyond everyone's imagination. A man with a vision doesn't have any particular specific limits. Their limits tend towards the infinite eternity. the year 1905 known to be as "Annus Mirabalous" proved out his vision when he innovated the Photoelectric effect and coined a word "Relative" which changed the history of physics. The year 1915 made him the man of his own values leading him to become world famous with his famous equation of "Theory of Relativity". A man with a great vision will be able to recognize the another specie with the same trait which was shown by Sir. Arthur Eddington and helped that man to reach the glory. Let me disclose that man with a great mindset and vision is "ALBERT HERMAN EINSTEIN"!