
Tuesday, December 9, 2014



The whole world or even the Universe can be governed by a single masterpiece that is a set of equations. That is what Albert Einstein thought after publishing his paper on General Theory of Relativity in the year 1915.  He thought of the combination of all the basic forces governing the nature into a single equation that is what to be known as the "Grand Unified Theory". But, unfortunately he died in the year 1955 with a half scribbled set of equations which no one understood till now. Although at present the eternity of these equations are being searched by all the physicists and the mathematicians. This seeking of these equations divided the physicists into two major fraternity. Theses fraternity are String theory and the Quantum Loop Gravity(Q.L.G) where Gravity playing a major role in these fraternities. String theory believes the absence of Gravity whereas Q.L.G in the presence of Gravity.

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