
Tuesday, August 30, 2016


We know that space and time are the two fundamental and  essential realm in which we reside in. According to Euclidian and as well Non- Eucledian  Geometry space and time are known to be as the co-ordinates of the system. Space and time when together curved generates an extensive property known to be as the "gravity" proposed by Albert Einstein in the year 1915.Earlier stated by Issac Newton in the year 1666 as "The ratio of the force exerted on an object by the earth to that of the mass of the object".

Well I am not intended to recite the history of gravity. One of the most prominent fantasies from the 19th century is the " Time Travel"! Many great mindsets starting from that era proposed various methods to accomplish that bizarre. It was a great moment for me when I came to hear about the term referred to be as "Einstein Rosen Podolsky Bridge" or "Worm holes" ( stated by Stephen Hawking to make it familiar to the layman). According to Professor Hawking "Worm holes" are the hypothetical hole which are said to be existing in the space and time realm which connects two spaces and times of different era or even to a different dimension out of n dimensions in this realm. We are able to perceive 3 / n (length,breadth & height) and percept time as 4 / n dimensions. An another exclusive illustration is  an ant can perceive 2 / n dimensions ( according to us ) and 1 / n/dimension (according to it ) (Note- Ant's do posses bilateral eyes with various segment). Let us there be n dimensions in the realm and we are taking a paper which denotes the space and time. Let us denote two points and join it with a straight line which is the shortest path  travelled by any object while taking consideration of paper as a 2-D object. If we want to implement it n dimensions then we have to crush it as a piece of garbage and in that piece we are able to assume that there are n-1 different ways of traveling those two points where n itself is a dimension.

Professor Hawking stated that"An enormous amount of negative energy will be needed in a particular space and time co-ordinate to produce a worm hole within that area possessing sumptuous amount if positive energy by the Planets ,Stars and Dark matter (with some acceptable amount of positrons and neutrons)". In reality it's quite impractical.
So let me just get to the point of of evincing the subject of concern. "Change the value of G=6.11 * 10^(-11) N.m² / kg² to some extent by increasing it would be able to create a warp in a particular space and time co-ordinate and create a bridge with an unknown destination with certain  mysteries. A " Worm hole can be created".
-Yours truly 

Sunday, March 13, 2016


After a year i am indulged once again in writing my ideas. Today i want to dedicate this post to my greatest inspiration and idol. The man with his own values was born on this very same day i.e 14 th of March,1879 in a small town named Ulm in the city Munich , Germany. Inspite, of having a radical Jewish family he was never carried out by the illusion of religion. He was fascinated and curious from the childhood where the vision got charged up when he glanced upon the gift of his Uncle Jacob. A circular magnetic compass changed the history of the world. Vision is a characteristic trait which is not genetic neither inducive. It is something beyond everyone's imagination. A man with a vision doesn't have any particular specific limits. Their limits tend towards the infinite eternity. the year 1905 known to be as "Annus Mirabalous" proved out his vision when he innovated the Photoelectric effect and coined a word "Relative" which changed the history of physics. The year 1915 made him the man of his own values leading him to become world famous with his famous equation of "Theory of Relativity". A man with a great vision will be able to recognize the another specie with the same trait which was shown by Sir. Arthur Eddington and helped that man to reach the glory. Let me disclose that man with a great mindset and vision is "ALBERT HERMAN EINSTEIN"!

Saturday, December 20, 2014


These three terms Density, States & Dimension are meant to be clear for the fellow readers before proceeding. We all know that the term Density means mass per unit volume, State refers to the form of existence & Dimension refers to the size specification of the space in which we live. There are 5 existing states and 16 existing dimensions (only 4 known). The 4th dimension of the space is known as "Time". Time is a non- physical dimension which measures the existence of the universe in a prolonged way. Mathematically it is a scalar quantity which means it has no direction. Although, Feynman Diagrams suggests that it has direction from the past to the future. Stephen Hawking mentioned that time flow is like a double conical structure consisting of two cones whose tips are joint at a single point called the "present light cone". The bases of the bottom cone is known as the "past light cone" and the top cone is "future light cone".

The term "Density of States" is the number of  k-states (wavenumber) per unit volume for a 3-D structure, per unit area for a 2-D structure and per unit length for a 1-D structure. But what do we mean by Density of States in 4-D?? Most of you must be thinking that it is the number of k-states per unit second as time is the 4th dimension. But it is not that.

It is the number of k-states per unit sum of all the volume of the state and the time because mathematically time is a scalar and a non physical quantity as mentioned. The E-K relationship obtained is dependent of time which means Dirac's relativistic equation may not be required to yield the solution the density of states. This may reduce the complexity in the condensed-matter community providing a simple way to show the interaction of electrodynamics , Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Physics with time which may lead us to reveal the mystery of the universe. In other words the "Grand Unified Theory".

Saturday, December 13, 2014


We saw the movie interstellar with utmost interest. But there were some logic as well as flaws in the movie. When humanity was coming to an end on earth Dr. John Brand sends his daughter Amelia Brand, N.A.S.A pilot Mr. Cooper and co to a wormhole near Saturn to explore into it and seek for a planet having similar conditions to that of earth. A Metaphysical term worm hole is a hypothetical hole through which a person can travel to any part of the universe with an ease. These are known as Einstein-Rosen Bridge. In the planet Gargantua as we all saw that 1 hour in that planet equals 7 long years in earth. That is nothing but Gravitational Time dilation a special phenomena of Special Theory of Relativity.  The ocean waves in that planet appeared gigantic and moved slowly cause the gravity was enormously weak by which the height of the waves increased (potential energy g=k/h). This weak Gravity boosted the time and Amelia was able to walk at the surface of the ocean with TARS.But that was somehow violated showing the gravity of Gargantua as 140% that of earth. Anyways fiction is unpredictable in some extents.

No ageing occurs in space that is why Mr. Cooper became 145 years in the end. This phenomena is called paradox occurs due to slowing of time by the exposure of gravity.Hibernating in the space shuttle endurance was somehow fasicnating but this is possible by the means of plasma the 4th state of matter.

In Mann's planet the fight scene,explosion of space shuttle which took place was similar to the incidents that happened in Tom Coopers farm. This is what is known as parallel universes. Telapathy do occur in any part of this vast universe in any form.

There were some defects which made the movie somehow fiction. Mr. Cooper felt in that blackhole with the robot TARS and survived was able to see his daughter's childhood , repetition of past from where he started the journey. He found a way to communicate with his daughter Dr. Murphy Cooper by the means of a watch given by him in the start of his journey using gravitational waves of the black hole into Morse code by the robot. This was completly absurt nothing can surpass the event horizon of a black hole nor even light due to its super strong gravitational field. A practical example of the phenomenon that occurs in a black hole is a cannon ball trying to escape from a hollow arsenal but it cannot due to its super strong gravitational field as a result it starts oscillating. The oscillation causes cannon ball to deploit steadily as a result of the heat produced. There is no way to escape a black hole. Mr. Cooper along with TARC must have been shattered into pieces.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014



We are living in a world with such a technology that our forefathers have not thought even in their dreams. The fate of the future lies in the hands of two important keys which we cant even think practically in reality. They are Nanotechnology and Artificial Neural Networking. The combination of  these can take a step beyond imagination. The things that have been shown in the movie Transcendence is not that fiction . Some of the ideas that can be generated are as follows-

  1. Any neural network follows an equation- y= wx+b where y is the output, x is the input of a single neuron if summed with the output of every artificial  neuron to produce a master output Y.
  2. This master output Y is feed forwarded to the nanobots (tiny robotic structure programmed by  any high level language which have a size of (10^(-9)m<) that can be equal to the size of the cell).
  3. These nanobots get the input Y and performs the task such as regeneration of dead cell, removing viruses from the body etc etc. according to the programmer's source code and produces an output N. The output N is retrieved in the computer screen and Discrete Fourier transformed.
  4. We know that every control system has a feedback so these nanobots are provided with the means of artificial intelligence . Fuzzy logic/ ANN itself can be a useful resource in providing feedback.
  5. Error can occur in any system which can be reduced by some calibration techniques. Although there are no such ideal systems which can exist and can be free of errors. Error can be given by- e=Y-N  .
  6. Each and every task  performed by the nanobots are displayed in a Computer which can act as both the transmitter and the reciever of the artificial neural signals.
 This the biggest challenge for the human race and if we can achieve this we are simply going to make a "GOD".

Science over Religion: ETERNITY OF EQUATIONS-The whole world or even ...

Science over Religion:


The whole world or even ...
: ETERNITY OF EQUATIONS- The whole world or even the Universe can be governed by a single masterpiece that is a set of equations. That ...

Science over Religion: ETERNITY OF EQUATIONS-The whole world or even ...

Science over Religion:


The whole world or even ...
: ETERNITY OF EQUATIONS- The whole world or even the Universe can be governed by a single masterpiece that is a set of equations. That ...